Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.

It's Diabetes National Month!

In celebration of November as the National Diabetes Month, we hope to shed some light on differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, know the truths versus myths about the disease, as well as share better practices to apply if you or your loved one have the disease.

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Our Stairlifts can Detect Obstructions on the Stairs

Our Stairlifts can Detect Obstructions on the Stairs

An Acorn Stairlift will always spot an obstruction left on the stairs and react to safeguard you. Among many features included as standard, every Acorn Stairlift has a number of safety sensors. If these sensors come into contact with any obstruction on the stairs or the stairlift rail, they will automatically cut off power to the stairlift, bringing it to a gentle stop.

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World Arthritis Day!

World Arthritis Day!

Today is World Arthritis Day! World Arthritis Day was developed in 1996 and is designed to help raise awareness for all types of arthritis. Today the Arthritis Foundation has launched their Live Yes! Campaign, which can connect you to others who understand what it is like living with arthritis.

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6 Safe Fall Activities for Seniors and Family

6 Safe Fall Activities for Seniors and Family

Fall is officially here and it’s that time of year where there’s a brisk breeze in the air, the leaves start to change colors and families start coming together to celebrate the upcoming holidays. Below are a few suggestions of safe fall activities the entire family to enjoy.

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Daily Aspirin May Not Good for Healthy Older Adults

Daily Aspirin May Not Good for Healthy Older Adults

Many older people take an aspirin daily as a general preventative measure to help guard against a number of age-related medical conditions. However, a new study suggests that people in good health and with no history of heart problems or stroke should not take a daily aspirin, as it has no benefit and could actually increase the risk of potentially fatal internal bleeding in the brain and the gastrointestinal tract.

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The Outdoors and Your Brain Health

The Outdoors and Your Brain Health

Stress can raise your blood pressure, increase tensions in your muscles and overwhelm you with high feelings of anxiety. High stress not only affects you physically, but stress can also affect your brain health. Studies show that spending time outside can help improve your brain health. Spending time outside can increase the feeling of contentment, reduce the feelings of anxiety, and impacts your immune and nervous system.

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Tips for Gardening with Arthritis

Tips for Gardening with Arthritis

Gardening can be a very soothing and stress-relieving hobby, but gardening may cause some trouble for anyone with arthritis. If you are someone who loves to garden, but can’t seem to do it because of the joint pain from arthritis, these tips could work for you.

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5 Ways to Reverse Feeling Lonely as a Caregiver

5 Ways to Reverse Feeling Lonely as a Caregiver

Caring for someone is a rewarding experience and at the same time a major challenge both mentally and physically. Depending on the situation, it may lead to loneliness at certain times. There is also the high probability that a caregiver knows very well the sense of being left burdened by responsibilities of helping another. Sixty and Me shares 5 ways to overcome the feeling of loneliness:

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Struggling to Sleep? Try These Tips for a Restful Night

Struggling to Sleep? Try These Tips for a Restful Night

One of the basic building blocks for a happier and healthier life is the ability to enjoy a good night’s sleep. As anyone who struggles with sleep will tell you, everything seems 10 times worse when you’re tired and sleep-deprived. Lack of sleep on a regular basis can have serious effects on our mental and physical health. As well as making us feel moody, anxious or overly-emotional, it can also increase our propensity for obesity, heart disease and even diabetes. Here are 10 tips that may help you get a better night's sleep.

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